Stirring The Intellectual Grassroots of the Nation
The Platform is a Non-Profit initiative of Covenant Christian Centre which is geared primarily to improving the individuals of Nigeria and the world. The Platform is designed to facilitate growth in the areas of personal capacity & productivity as well as to foster National Development within our Great Nation, Nigeria.
Rev. Sam Adeyemi

Rev. Sam Adeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, one of the fastest growing churches in the nation with the regular attendance of 12,000 people.

He is the president of Success Power International, an NGO that specializes in organizing financial leadership and motivational seminars. He is a dynamic teacher and a host of a popular T.V. programme Success Power.

Rev. Sam Adeyemi is one of the few championing the cause for a New Nigeria and the reformation of the African continent as a whole. He is committed to raising role models.

He is an author of several books including the bestseller, "The Parables of Dollars", "Second Revolution" and "Ideas Rule the World".

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